I had my first taster of Life Drawing last week, I was a bit apprehensive at first but then began to love it. Being 24 and a bit more grown up than school days, the whole nude man in front of me, wasnt funny or scary but actually interesting.
Martin gave us timed tasks with the model in different poses, some just quick 5 minute sketches, others slightly longer, and others a bit harder ( draw model without looking at the paper, or draw with your 'other' hand). You stop thinking of the man in the nude, and start seeing him as an object to draw, an outline really of 'the human body'. I sound a bit poncey now but anyway, I enjoyed it.
It was also the first time I used charcoal. Another first and another new challenge, there's no rubbing out, just confidence with every stroke. I really liked my work done with charcoal, I may have to invest in some!
College is great, the people on my course are so nice and friendly, and I'm enjoying myself every single day, even if it is a little tiring. I'm sure I will get used to it soon!