Monday, 13 September 2010

More of the First Week...

We were told to bring in a jam jar and fill it with random stuff. We created a window with masking tape, and draw whats inside the window. Divide a piece of A2, into 6 sections. First section we were to draw normally. The second square was to draw the same but using a continuous line.

Third is to draw the same but using only dots:

Fourth was to draw the same, using dash marks:

The final, sixth piece was to use all the different marks:

My first full piece in A2, all 6 drawings of my Jam Jar.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Amy! Love the drawings and the metal work account is hilarious (you big pink girlie! - I felt EXACTLY the same doing this! SCARY machines!) and the results look great. Keep up the good work.....Pops x
